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Cypress CY8CKIT-036 PSoC热管理解决方案

发布时间:2018-08-22 06:10:29  来源:大电流电感厂家   查看:

TME EBK also provides an I2C/SM贴片电感器Bus/PMBus compatible header to support systems that have a requirement for communication with a host controller. All of this functionality is implemented on a single PSoC 3. The TME routes all the input/output signals for thermal management to a PSoC 3 mounted on a development kit platform such as the CY8CKIT-001 PSoC Development Kit or CY8CKIT-030 PSoC 3 Development Kit. PSoC 3 is not mounted on the TME EBK itself.

The PSoC Thermal Management Expansion Board Kit enables you to evaluate System Thermal Management functions and capabilities of the PSoC architecture.

The Thermal Management Expansion Board Kit (EBK) supports:

Fan control of up to four 4-wire fans (both firmware or hardware based)

Temperature sensing of a combination of six different analog and digital sensors

EEPROM based data logging capabilities

I2C/SMbus/PMbus host interface

Thermal zone management: the relationship between temperatures and fan speeds

Algorithms to detect thermal and cooling failures or warnings


PSoC® Thermal Management Expansion Board

Quick Start Guide

Power DC Adaptor 12V/2A

System CD containing:

User’s Guide

PSoC Creator™ and pre-requisite software

PSoC Programmer and pre-requisite software

Example Projects: (for both CY8CKIT-001 and CY8CKIT-030)

Firmware based (open loop) Fan Control

Hardware based (closed loop) Fan Control

Thermal Management System

Application Notes and Key Component Datasheets

图1.CY8CKIT-036 TME PCB外形图

图2.CY8CKIT-036 TME 方框图


图4.CY8CKIT-036 TME板电路图

CY8CKIT-036 TME板材料清单:

图5.CY8CKIT-036 TME PCB元件布局图


平面变压器厂家 | 平面电感厂家

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